Home Learning

Year 1 – 6


In all years, we expect the children take home learning seriously.  Here are the things that they are expected to do each week.



4 times a week in year 6 and 3 times a week in other year groups.

Parents and carers, PLEASE, will you sign the reading log to say that your child has been reading all encourage them to write a book review.



Every week, there will be a mathematics activity that usually complements the work done in class.  There will be occasions where it is revision of mathematical concepts previously learned.



Every week, there will be ten spellings to learn and there will be a test every Friday that will be added to the home learning book.  This is to ensure that parents and carers are able to see how their children are getting on.


Home learning goes out EVERY Monday.  It must be returned, complete, every Friday (first thing). 


A record will be kept in school of the number of times that children are reading as this is vital for their learning.


Additional home learning can be completed using MathsWhizz, Timestable rockstars, bug club or phonics games.  If you need some support in accessing these then please call school.



Thank you for your support with home learning