Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Year 3. We have a big jump as the children move up to Key Stage 2 where the curriculum knowledge increases along with the independence in learning.
Year 3 children build upon the crucial knowledge previously learnt through a varied and interesting curriculum. They experience lots of new things whilst applying the knowledge and skills they already have.
Now the children are in Year 3 we expect them to read most days for at least 10 minutes, this should be recorded in their reading diaries, where we expect at least 3 entries a week. These diaries need to be returned to school every day.The children can read their scheme book from school, a book from the school library or a book that they have had from home. We encourage the children to read as this is a skill they require for life and can really help to enrich their knowledge in every subject of the curriculum.
Home Learning
Home learning is handed out on a Monday and needs to be returned and completed by a Thursday. We will complete our spelling check on a Friday to ensure that all the children know the Year 3/4 high frequency words.
Year 3's PE day is on a Wednesday. Children need to attend school in their PE kit and make sure they have a water bottle on these days. Please ensure that children have the correct uniform consisting of: school PE kit, black shorts or joggers and trainers or pumps.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give me a call or send me an email.