English is a vital skill which unlocks children’s learning. It provides the children with the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding to make sense of their learning.
It is our intent to develop children who:
- are able to communicate clearly in both written and spoken form for a range of different purposes and contexts
- read fluently for pleasure and to inform their learning.
We will expose our children to a wide range of vocabulary so that they able to develop their spoken and written language and communicate well.
We want our children to be enthusiastic writers. We will do this by giving the children the crucial knowledge they need so they can write confidently with accuracy and for a range of different purposes
We want our children to be passionate about reading. We want them to read for pleasure and make choices about their own reading, We will do this by exposing them to high quality texts in the classroom and through a range of reading opportunities.
As a school we follow the Jolly Phonics scheme and use oxford reading tree as the book scheme
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