Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to 1B! I am very excited to be teaching your lovely children this year. I aim to encourage a love for learning through fun and engaging lessons. We will cover a range of subjects and learn lots of new Crucial Knowledge. Crucial Knowledge is the knowledge we want the children to remember and recall. It builds on the foundations of their learning in Reception and eventually by the end of the year, will set them up ready for Year 2.
In 1B, PE will take place on a Thursday. Please ensure children come to school in the appropriate school PE kit and suitable footwear. All jewellery MUST be removed prior to arriving at school as staff cannot remove earrings for the children.
Reading books
Reading books will be sent home with your child every day and should be brought back to school each day. We encourage children to bring their own reading books from their bag into the classroom in the morning so it can be checked by an adult. In Year 1 we expect children to be reading at least three times a week. This needs to be recorded in their reading diaries so we can change books when necessary and monitor progress. Your child will also be heard read by a member of staff in the classroom at least once a week.
Home learning
Your child will receive new home learning every Monday. This consists of a Maths related activity, usually related to the learning we have been doing the previous week, and spellings. Home learning should be completed and handed in by Friday ready for new home learning to be stuck in. Every Friday we have a short spelling test.